Sexual Concerns

Sexual concerns often arise among couples in long-term relationships, with issues such as disparities in sexual desire, dwindling attraction, or a sense of monotony in intimacy being prevalent in modern relationships.

Therapy provides a dedicated space for couples to explore these concerns collaboratively and work towards finding viable solutions. Just as we invest time and effort into other aspects of our lives, our sex lives also require care and attention to thrive. Through therapy, couples can navigate these challenges, rekindle intimacy, and cultivate a fulfilling sexual connection that enhances their overall relationship satisfaction.

Other Relationship Problems


Psychogenic Erectile Dysfunction

Learn how to manage it and how you can help yourself through a series of video tutorials.

Online Sessions

No matter where you live, in Greece or abroad, we can do our sessions online. These sessions are no different from those that take place in my office.

Schedule your

To make an appointment you can contact the secretariat by phone or email.