Kathrine, 27 years old

Kathrine27 years old
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Four years ago, I was in a relationship with a guy for 2 years but without sexual intercourse. We tried many times, but I couldn’t. The reason was that I had pain during penetration.

With my second boyfriend, I still experienced the same issue. When we broke up, I decided to speak to a therapist. After several searches, I found Mrs. Evie. During our sessions, she made me feel comfortable and reassured me that my issue could be treated.

The pain during penetration wasn’t a health issue but stemmed from a traumatic experience I had as a child. This traumatic experience caused my body to react negatively to sexual touch.

Over the last seven months, with lots of exercises, I noticed a big difference. Mrs. Evie helped me learn to love my body and regain confidence. After all these months, I succeeded in having sex with my new boyfriend.

Now, instead of feeling pain, I experience satisfaction.


Psychogenic Erectile Dysfunction

Learn how to manage it and how you can help yourself through a series of video tutorials.

Online Sessions

No matter where you live, in Greece or abroad, we can do our sessions online. These sessions are no different from those that take place in my office.

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