Couple in Bed

What is a ‘normal’ sexual life?

What is a “normal” sex life?

Many people wonder if the frequency and type of their sexual behavior is similar or different from what other people. These people usually look at the statistics trying to identify means and averages.

However, the most important is not whether the frequency and the way one has sex agrees to the average, but whether each person feels comfortable and satisfied in his/ her own sexual relationship.

It is very difficult to arrive at a definition of what is normal and what is not, because it depends on the culture, on social and religious beliefs, and even from the people’s personal views.

Within this cultural and social context, however, the beliefs of the couple is very important for what is normal and what is not. People may respond to a wide range of erotic stimuli.

If a sexual fantasy or behavior does not lead to emotional or physical distress or tension in the relationship or problems in other areas of life, it should not cause worry.

How can one understand if his / her partner’s sexual needs are being covered?

The best way is to observe him / her and to openly discuss how they feel. For example: does the anticipation or expectation of sexual intercourse create joy, excitement and stimulation? Or is it creatng a sense of pressure, guilt or a sense of obligation?

Also, each person can think how he feels after sexual intercourse. Does he feel satosfaction, relaxation and pleasure? Or maybe guilt, anger or frustration?

If the anticipation and the experience of sexual intercourse creates pleasant feelings for both partners, their sexual relationship works positively for both. If one of the two or both feel negative emotions, it is likely that there is a problem.


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