How we can increase sexual arousal with our minds?
In our daily life we can easily see the relationship between attention and stimulation. For example, when we are somewhere that we do not want to feel aroused, we tend to distract our attention from the sexual thoughts.
In a related experiment, two groups of people watched a sex video. One group was nstructed to watch the movie and imagine that were actually experiencing what they watched. The other group was instructed to simply watch the film and observe objective characteristics, eg the environment and the actors.
It was found that the level of arousal was significantly greater in the first group. This study confirms earlier studies and suggests that sexual stimulation is increased when one focuses his attention towards his own physical and emotional experiences during sexual intercourse.
Instead, when one has the role of a “spectator”, observing what is happening, the level of arousal is significantly lower.
Are alterations in sexual stimuli necessary for them to generate stimulation?
The above study also demonstrated that continuous exposure to the same sexual stimuli caused distraction towards non sexual thoughts and reduces stimulation.
It seems that when the stimuli are the same for most of the time, familiarity occurs. Indeed, familiarity came faster in women than men. Perhaps this explains that in long-term relationships women report arousal difficulties more often than men.
This study comes once again to confirm that the most sexual organ of humans is the brain!
Both S, Laan E, Everaerd W (2011) Focusing «hot» or focusing «cool»: attentional mechanisms in sexual arousal in men and women. J Sex Med 8: 167-179.