What does rapid ejaculation mean for the man and his partner? The effect of rapid ejaculation on the couple has been studied a lot in recent years. A recent review summarizes our data. Most studies conclude that the subject of “control” of ejaculation is important both for the man with rapid ejaculation and for his partner.
For both, a lack of ejaculation control leads to resentment, a feeling that something is missing from the relationship, and reduced closeness between the couple.
Also, as long as the problem is not dealt with, increased irritability is created, interpersonal problems increase, and the emotional distance between the couple grows.
Is rapid ejaculation related to the existence of sexual dysfunction in women? We now know that the wives of men with rapid ejaculation have a high probability of having a sexual problem themselves.
In particular, many studies have shown that rapid ejaculation is very likely to coexist with some sexual dysfunction in women, such as orgasm and arousal disorder.
However, rapid ejaculation may have caused the woman’s dysfunction, but it may also be the other way around, that is, the latter may have been caused by some sexual dysfunction in the woman, which is stressing the man.
The above data emphasize the need for rapid ejaculation treatment as early as possible, but also the equal participation of the couple in the treatment.
Regardless of whether the partner contributed to the problem of premature ejaculation or not, the important thing is that the couple’s interaction can help maintain or cure the problem.
Today there are ways to deal with it so as not only to increase ejaculation control but also to increase the closeness of the couple.
Graziottin A, Althof S (2011) What does premature ejaculation mean to the man, the woman, and the couple? J Sex Med 8 Suppl 4:304-309.