Are men more aroused than women when they watch porn?
In general, studies show that men respond to visual stimuli more than women, but more recent studies have shown that something relatively paradoxical is going on: Men’s instrumental measures of arousal agree with their subjective reports, while in women, there is disagreement between organic measurements and what they reported as stimulating them.
For example, although significant bodily arousal was recorded in women who viewed same-sex sex, they reported that the arousal they felt was not great. This study shows that women’s subjective experience of arousal is more complex than men’s.
Social, emotional, and cognitive factors appear to modify the relationship between visual stimulation and women’s subjective sense of arousal. In contrast, in men, the relationship between the visual stimulus and the subjective arousal seems to be stronger and more immediate.
Do the stereotypes of men and women promoted through pornography harm sexuality?
The porn industry produces unrealistic standards for both men and women. The problem arises when one believes that the expression of one’s own sexuality must be identified with what is shown in the movies.
In this case, it is as if one is trying to divorce their sexuality from their personality, but each person’s sexuality is an integral part of their personality and therefore unique.
Feeling pressured to conform one’s sexuality to movie standards can create many problems, such as sexual dysfunctions, feelings of inadequacy, symptoms of depression, etc.
However, if one uses movies as a tool with which to explore and develop one’s own sexuality, then the effect can be positive.
Rupp HA, Wallen K (2008) Sex differences in response to visual sexual stimuli: a review. Arch Sex Behav 37:206-218.