How does occupational stress impact on one’s sex life?
While it is a common assumption that occupational stress affects sex life, there is little relevant research data available today.
Data from Norway, Croatia and Portugal help us to better understand the connection between the two.
As expected, men with occupational concerns reported less satisfaction with their sexual life compared to men who had no important business concerns.
Specifically, men with occupational concerns were almost twice as likely to be report one or more sexual problems. Moreover, the researchers wanted to understand the mechanism that makes occupational stress have a negative effect on one’s sexual life. It seemed that the relationship between the two was due to the general anxiety and depression symptoms.
In other words, occupational stress adversely affects a man’s sexual life when he has a generally impaired mood.
Which factors protect sexual health from the adverse effects of occupational stress?
The study identified factors that reduced the likelihood of reporting sexual problems even when occupational stress was experienced. These factors were emotional intimacy with the partner, having children, and a high income.
These results did not differ according to the social or cultural environment. The above study shows that the sexual life of men may be affected by occupational concerns, but the partner and family relationships have a protective role.
Stulhofer A, Traeen B, Carvalheira A (2013) Job-related strain and sexual health difficulties among heterosexual men from three European countries: the role of culture and emotional support. J Sex Med 10: 747-756.