
How do alcohol and drugs influence sexual behavior?

The role of alcohol in reducing inhibitions, the deterioration of the critical skill and thus encouragemnt of sexual behavior is known for many years. Alcohol continues to play a central role in facilitating sexual relations, either through achieving relaxation either by eliminating sexual inhibitions. However, it is associated with more infections from sexually transmitted diseases, as well as more unwanted pregnancies. Today, not only alcohol affects sexual behavior, but also the occasional use of drugs (cannabis, cocaine, ecstasy). A relative survey was conducted in 9 European countries in people aged 16-35 years. Those who said that last month they had sex even once drunk, and those who had used cannabis or cocaine or ecstasy, had more sexual partners during their lifetime, were more likely not to take contraception, and have regretted some of their sexual encounters.

Is the use of alcohol and drugs before sex deliberate?

The results of the study showed that alcohol was used more to facilitate intercourse.

Cocaine, ecstasy and cannabis were used to increase sexual arousal and more intense sexual sensations to be experienced. The most worrying is that the use of these substances by millions of young people has become an integral part of their sexual strategies, which encourages their further use. Many young people also are unaware that alcohol and drugs can have negative effects on sexual function (eg creating erection problems, ejaculation, etc.) and in some cases the effects may be long lasting.

Bellis MA, Hughes K, Calafat A et al. (2008) Sexual uses of alcohol and drugs and the associated health risks: a cross sectional study of young people in nine European cities. BMC Public Health 8: 155.


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