What does depression signal in men with erectile dysfunction? Until now, we knew that erectile dysfunction often signals underlying cardiovascular problems. Data suggested that about one in four men aged 40 to 69 with erectile dysfunction would develop cardiovascular problems within 12 years. However, new data show depression as an additional risk factor for cardiovascular problems. A recent study showed that when a man with erectile dysfunction also suffers from depression, the likelihood of developing cardiovascular problems and dying from them increases.
The study was conducted in Italy on a sample of 1,687 men who visited a clinic for sexual health. The results showed that depression increases the risk of developing cardiovascular problems four years later, regardless of the existence of other risk factors.
How common is depression in patients with erectile dysfunction? Erectile dysfunction is closely related to depression, as they often coexist. The close relationship between the two has been confirmed by many studies. About one in two patients with erectile dysfunction has symptoms of depression.
The above data highlight the importance of evaluating the mental health of patients with erectile dysfunction not only for restoring their sexual life but also for preventing cardiovascular diseases. It seems once again that sexual problems do not only concern a man’s sexual function but are also linked to his mental mood and cardiovascular health. This is a strong reason to seek help for erectile dysfunction early.
References: Shabsigh R, Zakaria L, Anastasiadis AG et al. (2001) Sexual dysfunction and depression: etiology, prevalence, and treatment. Curr Urol Rep 2:463-467.
Corona G, Rastrelli G, Monami M et al. (2013) Frequency of sexual activity and cardiovascular risk in subjects with erectile dysfunction: cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses. Andrology 1:864-871.