What are the effects of using pornographic material in a romantic relationship?
While the majority of studies have focused on individuals who become addicted to Internet pornography, fewer studies have investigated couples who occasionally use Internet pornography together.
A related study (Grov 2011) involving 8,376 individuals showed that low or moderate use of pornographic material has positive consequences on the couple’s relationship, increasing the frequency and quality of sex, as well as the intimacy between partners.
Furthermore, mild or moderate use of pornography appeared to be associated with better sexual communication between partners.
Is it better to use pornography individually or together as a couple?
A study involving 1,291 individuals in stable relationships presented interesting data comparing pornography use as an individual activity or as a couple activity (Maddox, 2011).
More men (76.8%) than women (31.6%) reported viewing pornography alone, but about half (44.8%) of both men and women reported occasionally viewing pornography with their partner.
Those who always used pornography with their partner reported higher sexual satisfaction and greater commitment to the relationship than those who always used it alone.
It is noteworthy that the global revenue from the pornography production industry is estimated at around $97 billion per year, an amount greater than the combined revenue of Microsoft, Google, Amazon, eBay, Yahoo, Apple, and Netflix!
This fact underscores not only the high frequency of pornographic material use but also emphasizes that behind these products lies a vast industry that manufactures attractive models of women and men, far from the average person!
Grov C, Gillespie BJ, Royce T et al. (2011) Perceived consequences of casual online sexual activities on heterosexual relationships: a U.S. Online survey. Arch Sex Behav 40:429-439.