What role does legislation play in shaping people’s sexual behavior In modern societies, legislation concerning sexual behavior serves to safeguard individuals from harassment, violence, and exploitation (eg, sexual violence, sexual harassment, pedophilia), as well as to prevent societal breakdown (eg,...
What are the challenges in identifying pedophiles Detecting pedophiles early on poses a significant challenge for society Unfortunately, pedophiles are typically identified only after committing a crime and subsequent arrest One major obstacle stems from victims’ reluctance to report incidents...
What do we know about sexual violence among young tourists The tourist destinations of Southern Europe are enticing for young people primarily due to the favorable climate and vibrant nightlife they offer Based on data from approximately 6,834 respondents, British...
What causes the sexual violence that some men inflict on their partners Most studies on men who sexually assault their partners have been conducted on samples of men referred to the Justice Department However, a recent study was published involving...
What is hypersexual behavior Hypersexual behavior entails intense and excessive engagement in sexual behaviors Individuals with hypersexual behavior consistently and repeatedly devote an excessive amount of time in their day and life to sexual behaviors, fantasies, and urges Behaviors typically...
What is sexting Sexting among teenagers has emerged as a trend that concerns parents and educators Sexting refers to the sending of sexual photographs via mobile phone or computer The concern mainly revolves around a) young people potentially creating illegal...
What is the effect of porn on relationships Modern studies have shown that the effect of pornography on relationships is not necessarily negative and that various factors are involved, which can vary its effect A recent study investigated whether a...
What are the effects of using pornographic material in a romantic relationship While the majority of studies have focused on individuals who become addicted to Internet pornography, fewer studies have investigated couples who occasionally use Internet pornography together A related...
Are men more aroused than women when they watch porn In general, studies show that men respond to visual stimuli more than women, but more recent studies have shown that something relatively paradoxical is going on: Men’s instrumental measures of...